Frequently Asked Questions

Are UvumiTools plugins Open Source?

Yes. We license our code using the MIT License.


Do I have to know JavaScript to use UvumiTools plugins?

No. But you do need to edit some HTML files on your site. Most of the heavy lifting is done by adding a couple simple <script> tags to your page. Eachplugin has its own instuctions for how to integrate with your site, and you can use our example code to get started.


How can I get help configuring, customizing, or troubleshooting an UvumiTools plugin?

Each plugin page has a How to section. Make sure you read it first. We also have an online support forum just for this purpose! Before asking your question, try a search, it may have already been answered.


Is it ok to modifiy one of your plugins for my website?

Yes, that's why we offer the uncompressed and commented code. As long as you leave the big licence in the source files, we're fine with it. We would also be stoked if you gave us some credit (maybe a link to our site?), and post a link to your site on the forum.


Why do I have to include the Mootools script?

Mootools is a function library, and our plugins are built on top of it. It might be a little weighty, but we certainly didn't want to waste time reinventing the wheel. This overhead seems less troublesome when you are using several plugins (ours or otherwise) on the same site, because you only need one mootools library for everything.


I downloaded several of your plugins. They work well individualy, but when I try to put them together, it breaks. Why?

Each plugin comes with a custom Mootools library which only contains the minimum requirements for that specific plugin. If you try to include two plugins on one page, you can't include two different versions of the library. You must include only one and make sure it fits the requirements of all plugins. To do so, examine the Mootools dependencies for each UvumiTools plugin you want to use (in their Requirements section). Then go to the Mootools website to build a custom library that satisfies all those dependencies.


My website already uses Prototype/JQuerry/Dojo. . . Can I add Mootools plugins to it?

You can try, but it rarely works. Those libraries do not tend to play nice together. For example, take Mootools and Prototype. They both have a $() function, one of the most important. While they seem identical, they don't return the same thing. One returns an Element for Mootools, the other for Proptotype. If you include both libraries in a same document, one will define the $() function, then the second one will redefine it. Get the picture? If Mootools is included first and Prototype second, Prototype will overwrite some of the Mootools functions (not just $). Bottom line is that mixing JS libraries can have unexpected results.


I've seen similar web plugins somewhere else, did you rip them off?

We do get some inspiration from what we see around the interwebs, but we don't use others' code without giving credit in the comments section. If we ever do base a plugin on another work, you can be sure we'll give proper credit to the original authors both in the comments and on this site.


I need a plugin that automagically transforms my website into a 3D scene that can be navigated like a first person shooter. Will you guys make it for me?

Sorry, we aren't currently accepting personal plugin requests. However, we have a suggestion section on the forum just for you. If you think you have a cool plugin idea throw it in there. If we like it, we might give it a try.


Will you make my website?

No. I'm sure we'd love to, but we are already very busy dealing with our own projects. When you do find someone to make your website, we're sure they will be excited at how easy the UvumiTools plugins are to use!


Are you going to release more plugins?

Yes, we definitely have more plugins scheduled to be released. Check back frequently for updates and new releases.


There are some cool features on the UvumiTools site that are not in the plugin list. Are you going to release those someday?

You bet we are. But if you're refering to the accordion effect on the plugin pages or the auto-scrolling on this page, those are built-in plugins from the Mootools package. Check back frequently for news and updates on our latest releases.
